Meet the Team

Dr Hilary Lindberg
Director & Clinical Psychologist & Sexologist
Dr Daniel Brown
Director & Clinical Psychologist
Amie Wilde
Registered Psychologist
Nick Campbell
Registered Psychologist
Rachelle Abraham
Registered Counsellor
Caitlin Proctor
Registered Psychologist & Sexologist
Emma Schmidt
Clinical Psychology Registrar & Sexologist
Niamh Sullivan
Registered Counsellor
Dr Kirstie Daken
Clinical Psychologist

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Erectile Dysfunction: Diagnosis, Psychological Treatments, and Pleasure-Focused Solutions

Let's break down how ED is diagnosed, explore different treatment approaches and talk about the importance of pleasure-focused sexual activity.

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Let's talk about Sexual Pain or Vaginismus!

I have that experience when sex is painful, I just can never pronounce the name of it. Oh, you mean vag-in-is-mus? Vaginismus!

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Pleasure, Sensual & Sexual Smorgasbord

A free downloadable resource to help you build your own sexual smorgasbord! How tantalising!

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